Krzosa Karol :: Linkedin | Github

Hi, I'm a programmer from Kraków, Poland.

Demo :: Transcript browser

Browsing over 500 hours of lectures at lightning speed.

Demo :: Data visualization tool

Visualizing program data, the data points are sent from a running program (through shared memory) to the plotting app.

Demo :: Optimized software rasterizer

I got inspired by Handmade Hero and decided to do a fun CPU rasterization project. Code is public. It uses AVX2 instructions and multi threading and the result is that you can walk at 30FPS/1080P through the Sponza palace. A little of that 90s game development vibe.

Demo :: Path finding visualizer

I wanted to write a little something with my programming language before I abandon it. It's a simple tool, it binds with raylib for graphics.

Demo :: Rendering 2 million circles

Here in the video I'm presenting a result of optimizing my OpenGL renderer. It can render 2 million circles, 36 triangles per circle, couple times per second. If you tried plotting 2 million points in python/matplotlib you would have died of age before the plot got rendered.

Demo :: Programming language overview

When I was looking for a job I decided to make a showcase video of the programming language I was working on. It goes over bunch of examples, programs and features. At this point the language is abandoned but it was a pretty cool project.

Demo :: Generics, programming language demo

Stepping through generics (templates) implemented in my programming language.